Caught On Tape: Lying About Washington's Referendum 71
Anti-gay organizers of Washington state's Referendum 71, which would repeal the brand-new domestics partners law, have submitted 135,000 petition signatures, a modest buffer over the required 120,000 that may not stand up during the required scrutiny for duplicate or fraudulent names. Nothing can be done, however, about the names that were scored when the Liars For Christâ„¢ told people that they were actually signing a petition in favor of gay marriage, as in the clip above. (The guy confronting the petition gatherer was a lot kinder about it that I would have been.)
LGBT and progressive activists are moving forward to put all of the names online. Which is completely legal, as with any public record. And as with Prop 8, the right-wing Christianists are screaming about the liberal fascist gaystapo using these completely legal public records against them.
Labels: "celibacy", domestic partners, liars, Referendum 71, Washington state