Main | Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Survey Request From The National LGBT Cancer Network

The National LGBT Cancer Network would like your help.
The National LGBT Cancer Network wants to do something about the increasing prevalence of anal cancer in our community. First, we need to find out what people know about anal cancer. We are asking gay and bisexual men to complete a brief (5-minute) anonymous online survey to assess their knowledge of anal cancer. We are particularly interested in hearing from and hope that you will publicize this request through your blog, listserves, website, mailing lists. The more respondents we have, the more we learn.

In the general population, anal cancer is a rare disease, but among men who have sex with men (MSM), the incidence of anal cancer is 40% higher and increasing annually. However, the majority of gay men know little about the disease, have ever been tested for it, or even know that screening tests exist. Health care professionals, too, remain divided on how and whether to screen for it. In fact, a standardized screening protocol for anal cancer does not yet exist.

To participate, click here.

THANK YOU. To learn more about cancer in the LGBT community and the work of the National LGBT Cancer Network, please visit our website,
Please consider taking part, it will only take you a few minutes.

JMG reader Band makes the excellent point that you should take the survey before reading the comments on this post, which may influence how you answer the survey's questions. Take the survey FIRST.

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