Main | Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tonight In Illinois: Protest Against Exodus International

If you're in the Chicago area, you might want to join the Gay Liberation Network's protest against Exodus International (PDF), who are opening their national "We're totally not gay anymore, we swear!" convention tonight.
Exodus International is the nation's foremost organization claiming to use Christianity to turn LGBT people into "ex-gays." And while they say they "love" us, their fake attempts to change gays into straights is rooted in their hatred of gay people. They oppose all civil rights for LGBT people – equal employment, housing and access to public accomodations, and one of their board members even traveled to Uganda recently to endorse a vicious law which makes gay sex punishable by life imprisonment. Every major, relevant professional association has denounced Exodus's efforts as potentially very damaging to the very people Exodus claims to "help."
The protest takes place at 6:30 PM at Wheaton College. 500 College Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois. GLN is arranging transportation from Chicago and seeks additional drivers.

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