Anti-Gay Nutjob Peter LaBarbera Sues Hotel Over Canceled Event

The Carol Stream-based group alleges its Oct. 6, 2007 fundraiser was canceled by the hotel six weeks earlier because of the group's religious beliefs against homosexuality. LaBarbera did not have a written contract, and no money was exchanged, but he said organizers verbally worked out details of the 100-person event, including the menu, during two meetings. LaBarbera said hotel management told him the reservation was canceled due to "potential negative publicity." AFTAH filed its discrimination suit Aug. 21. "It's always easy to come up with excuses," said LaBarbera, AFTAH's executive director, "but the real truth is they didn't like our message. If you allow this sort of hecklers' veto, you're sanctioning discrimination." The banquet was planned at the hotel on the same night as a couple's wedding. The Naperville Holiday Inn Select is independently owned and operated. Managers there said they had not been served with the lawsuit, and could not comment.LaBarbera had warned the hotel to expect protesters at his event. So the hotel decided that a planned wedding party, one that likely was under contract, would probably be ruined by two hotly opposed political groups getting in each other's faces. Where's the religious discrimination here?

Labels: "celibacy", AFTAH, closet cases, douchenozzles, dumbassery, lawsuits, Peter LaBarbera, religion