"It’s time to get a jackhammer and to simply chip off that part of New York City and let it float into the East River, never to be seen again! It’s time to say enough of the American taxpayer’s dollar being spent on something that may have been a noble idea, but has become a disgrace! It has become the international equivalent of ACORN and it’s time to say enough! Let’s end the diplomatic excesses that these people enjoy. Let any country that is willing to spend the money that the United States is hosting–let them have it. Give it to the Saudis and let these diplomats suck the sand out of the Saudi desert for a few summers and see if that’s where they’d like to go, and make their ridiculous speeches." - Mike Huckabee, getting a
standing ovation from attendees at Take Back America, after he suggested the U.S. completely stop funding the United Nations.
Labels: "celibacy", 2012 elections, diplomacy, Mike Huckabee, United Nations