PhoboQuotable - Tony Perkins

"One thing was clear from Obama's speech -- his goal (like that of homosexual activists) is not simply equal legal rights. It is, rather, to overturn millennia of moral teaching that has acknowledged the harms of homosexual conduct and the unique benefits of marriage between a man and a woman. He dismissed those values as 'outworn arguments and old attitudes,' while decrying the grassroots campaigns to defend marriage as 'divisive and deceptive efforts to feed people's lingering fears for political and ideological gain.' In other words, if you hold to traditional values, the ultimate goal is simple -- to silence you. President Obama told HRC, '[D]o not doubt the direction we are heading and the destination we will reach.' That's a warning the American people should heed. - Family Research Council head Tony Perkins, who is definitely a psycho, but probably does not dress up like his dead mother and keep her rotting body in the attic. Probably.
Labels: Barack Obama, douchenozzles, Family Reseach Council, PhoboQuotable, religion, Tony Perkins