Main | Friday, November 13, 2009

American Family Association's OneNewsNow Falls For Divorce Ban Parody

Remember back in September when i told you about John Marcott's hilarious plan to have divorce banned in California? Marcotte's Rescue Marriage site has the tagline ""You said 'til death do us part.' You're not dead yet" which should have given it away to the American Family Association's OneNewsNow:
The traditional marriage advocate points to the Bible as validating marriage and providing limited reasons for divorce. "It's a little difficult to translate God's law into the law of a secular state, so I think this is about as close as we can come without probably running into some constitutional issues," Marcotte explains. He adds that media attention has helped get the message out, and that people are talking more about the issue. His hope is that the growing discussion will translate into enough petition signatures for a 2010 ballot. His group has organized "The Wedding March on the Capitol" on Saturday (Nov. 14), and has also established a Facebook fan page that has attracted more than 9,000 fans.

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