Main | Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sign Up Now: Petition Campaign To Televise Olson/Boies Prop 8 Trial

The Courage Campaign urges you to sign the petition urging the televising of the Olson/Boies Prop 8 trial. The presiding judge on the case is inviting public commentary prior to the decision.
The landmark federal lawsuit challenging Prop 8, Perry v. Schwarzenegger (also known as the Olson/Boies case) is about to go to trial starting Monday, January 11. The presiding judge, Chief Judge Vaughn Walker, is holding a hearing on whether the a pool television camera should be allowed to film the trial, given the unprecedented interest in the proceedings. Judge Walker is encouraging the public to submit comments on the issue, and set a deadline of Friday to receive comments. This is your one chance to urge Judge Walker to do the right thing in the name of equality, transparency and accountability. Join the Courage Campaign Institute and CREDO Action and sign this letter to Judge Walker. Optional: Please add your own personal comments. We will personally hand-deliver your comments. DEADLINE: Friday 9 AM.
Sign the petition now or write the Court directly yourself. Here's a PDF from the Court describing how the televising would work, if approved. Focus On The Family is circulating a petition of their own demanding that Prop 8 witnesses be protected from a "violent backlash" of homosexual activists. From the wingnut Washington Times:
Attorneys for Proposition 8 backers said television coverage would expose their witnesses to further harassment and intimidation. Backers of Proposition 8 were targeted for harassment in the months after the initiative's passage in November 2008. Some donors received threatening e-mails, letters and phone calls, while churches and businesses were singled out for boycotts and protests. Brian Brown, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, which campaigned for Proposition 8 but isn't a party to the case, said he is worried about the safety of witnesses, who could include contributors, campaign staff and volunteers. "The question is really whether Judge Walker can put people on the stand where they can be threatened," said Mr. Brown. "It's a question of people's safety."

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