Main | Tuesday, February 02, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Rabbi Yehuda Levin

"Thirteen months before 9/11, on the day New York City passed homosexual domestic partnership regulations, I joined a group of Rabbis at a City Hall prayer service, pleading with G-d not to visit disaster on the city of N.Y. We have seen the underground earthquake, tsunami, Katrina, and now Haiti. All this is in sync with a two thousand year old teaching in the Talmud that the practice of homosexuality is a spiritual cause of earthquakes. Once a disaster is unleashed, innocents are also victims just like in Chernobyl. We plead with saner heads in Congress and the Pentagon to stop sodomization of our military and our society. Enough is enough." - Rabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the Rabbinical Alliance of America.

VIDEO: More DADT-related doomsday bloviating from Levin.

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