Main | Wednesday, February 10, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Rick Santorum

"In light of the campaign of harassment and intimidation of Prop 8 proponents, [Judge] Walker's most contemptible ruling would have had this show trial broadcast worldwide. The U.S. Supreme Court found he probably violated court rules in his attempt to take part in a "pilot project" allowing cameras in the courtroom. The Supreme Court blocked the effort, but by then Prop 8 supporters had lost two-thirds of their expert witnesses, who feared they would be harassed and blacklisted. California's voters have spoken. The only point of Walker's rigged trial is to convince appellate courts that voters who passed Proposition 8 are intolerant bigots. But an honest look at the behavior of both sides over the past year tells a very different story." - Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum, in a Philadelphia Enquirer editorial blasting Prop 8 Judge Vaughn Walker and protesters of the 2008 vote.

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