Here's a short slideshow from Saturday's HRC gala in NYC, courtesy of my able photographer Dr. Jeff. Except for the HRC's official photographer, media were kept tightly corraled in a roped-off pen in front of the HRC backdrop, so we were pretty much unable to photograph or interview attendees. After all the big shots were trotted off the pre-show stage, we were escorted to a balcony over the ballroom. I've done a lot of these things, but haven't felt quite so "managed" before. And I'm pretty sure one of the HRC volunteers even followed me and waited outside the men's room, just to make sure I didn't try and infiltrate the millionaires. Whatever, dude. I did get a giggle when they played Tardy For The Party to try and get people to take their seats. The second Real Housewives moment of the evening came when NYC cast member Jill Zarin introduced Joe Solomonese. OK, then. We take our support where we can get it and Zarin was actually rather charming.