Main | Friday, July 16, 2010

Here's Why The Government Dropped The Charges Against Choi And Pietrangelo

Metro Weekly's Chris Geidner tells us why the government dropped the charges against Lt. Dan Choi and Capt. James Pietrangelo. According to a DC spokesman, it mostly had to do with the fact that they were standing on a ledge.
''While chained to the fence, the defendant was standing on a ledge – NOT – the sidewalk. As such, he was not blocking pedestrian traffic," Hobson wrote. "Once that was realized, the focus of the investigation shifted to what happened immediately prior to his handcuffing himself (i.e., was he blocking the sidewalk at that time and did an officer ask him to move on). After interviewing law enforcement, it was determined that the defendant had not been asked to move on at that point. Therefore, he could not be prosecuted for any activity prior to the handcuffing either.''
The White House claims they did not intervene in the case.

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