NEW JERSEY: Cops Shoot And Kill Man In Known Cruising Area

According to the officer, he made an arrest in an unrelated case when he realized he has loss a pair of handcuffs during that arrest. After the suspect in that earlier case was secured, the officer told his partner he was going back into the woods, retracing his steps in an effort to find the missing handcuffs. While bending down to retrieve the handcuffs, the plainclothes officer was approached by Mr. Gaymon who was engaged in a sex act at the time. The officer pulled out his badge, identified himself as a police officer and informed Mr. Gaymon he was under arrest. Mr. Gaymon appeared to panic, assaulted the police officer and fled. A foot chase ensued. The officer made repeated commands to Mr. Gaymon to stop and submit. Mr. Gaymon ignored those commands, did not raise his arms or make his hands visible and repeatedly threatened to kill the officer. Mr. Gaymon then lunged at and attempted to disarm the officer while reaching into his own pocket. Fearing for his life, the officer discharged his service weapon, striking Mr. Gaymon once. Gaymon, who was unarmed, was shot once in the stomach and died. The 29-year- old detective who fired the shot was so distraught, he had to be sedated and was not capable of providing a statement for three days. The Gaymon family released a statement: "We know that the police killed an innocent man, with no history of or disposition towards violence." Gaymon, the son of a preacher, leaves behind a wife and four young children.Is anyone buying that police report? ANYONE? Essex County police are investigating further, so they say. Expect a massive wrongful death suit from Gaymon's family.
Labels: cruising, murder, New Jersey, Newark