Quote Of The Day - Tony Perkins

"It was her rabid pro-homosexual views that led her to restrict military recruitment on Harvard Law School's campus, and, as Solicitor General, to sabotage the defense of our federal marriage law. In both instances, she favored her personal ideology and political calculations over the law. And she may spend 30 more years doing it as a member of America's most powerful court. Elena Kagan was unfit to be Solicitor General, and she definitely doesn't deserve a lifetime promotion to the U.S. Supreme Court. Contact your Senators and tell them to vote 'no' on Kagan." - Family Research Council head crybaby Tony Perkins, throwing a widdle tantrum because the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Kagen's nomination yesterday.
Labels: crybabies, Family Reseach Council, Quote Of The Day, Supreme Court, Tony Perkins