Main | Saturday, August 14, 2010

Porno Pete Vs. Glenn Beck

"Looks like Glenn Beck could have benefited from attending the AFTAH Truth Academy I Hate Faggots Academy [order DVDs or CDs of the Academy HERE; order online through AFTAH's donate page]. Beck is a doing incredibly important work in helping to save America from the misnamed 'progressives' — but evidently he is woefully ignorant about the real threat that homosexual activism poses to this nation and our precious freedoms. Memo: to Glenn: people of faith — like Matt Barber and Julea Ward — already have been fired or discriminated against for defending the historic Judeo-Christian sexual ethic. And this began happening before 'same-sex marriage' became the dominant issue in this cultural debate. The oppression will only get worse if homosexual 'marriage' is legalized nationally through an activist court ruling." - Porno Pete LaBarbera, clutching his pearls after Glenn Beck shrugged off same-sex marriage as an unimportant issue.


1. Matt Barber was NOT fired for his Christian beliefs, as debunked here on's Urban Legends site.
2. Julea Ward was NOT discriminated against for her Christian beliefs, she flatly refused to abide by the secular rules of a government-funded university.

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