Main | Monday, September 27, 2010

CALIFORNIA: NOM Launches Statewide Bus Tour In Support Of Carly Fiorina

Here comes another NOM bus tour, this time in California where they are reaching out to Spanish-speaking voters in their campaign to defeat Sen. Barbara Boxer.
Carly Fiorina believes in the right to life, from the moment of conception until natural death, and opposes same-sex marriage. Barbara Boxer is an outspoken advocate of both abortion and gay marriage. Latinos want to see Congress fix our dysfunctional immigration system. We are tired of promises. The Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles has proposed a common-sense, five-point plan to reform our immigration laws. Barbara Boxer says she is for immigration reform, but in all her years in office she hasn’t done anything to make it happen.
The bus route is here. Somehow I doubt NOM actually wants to see positive immigration reform.

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