Main | Thursday, October 07, 2010

CONNECTICUT: GOProud BFF Ann Coulter May Face Felony Voter Fraud Charges

Complaints about Ann Coulter's habit of voting in states where she doesn't live have been around for years, but stalling by friendly election officials and the statute of limitations resulted in no charges. That may change.
An elections commission in Connecticut will soon decide if conservative pundit Ann Coulter will face felony charges over allegations of voter fraud in the 2002 and 2004 elections, reports Brad Friedman at BradBlog. The State Elections Enforcement Commission will vote Oct. 14 to decide whether to pursue charges based on a complaint made by Daniel Borchers, an activist with Citizens for Principled Conservatism. Borchers cited a report in the New York Daily News alleging that Coulter illegally voted in Connecticut in the 2002 and 2004 elections by way of absentee ballot from her home in New York.
The penalty is usually a civil fine, but can be up to several years in prison.

(Tipped by JMG reader Robert)

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