Main | Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Quote Of The Day - Pastor Cary Gordon

"We're tired of the hypocrisy of these people because they desire to ensconce, and frankly they're doing it, secular humanism as the new state religion of the United States of America in violation of the original intent of the First Amendment. I have never, nor will I ever, get a message from the Holy Spirit and then go check with the IRS tax code first to see if it's okay to preach it. I'm tired of pastors submitting to this tyranny and I'm expecting to try to get the IRS to sue us so that we can take it all the way to the Supreme Court and restore freedom in America's pulpits." - Pastor Cary Gordon.

Americans United For Separation of Church and State filed an IRS complaint after Gordon mailed letters to Iowa's pastors demanding they support his "Biblical campaign" to remove his state's Supreme Court justices for legalizing same-sex marriage. IRS rules stipulate that tax-exempt churches may not engage in political campaigns.

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