Scissoring For Equality

About 24 theatre arts majors protested in front of Brotman Hall on Wednesday by tribbing with one another, a lesbian sex act commonly known as "scissoring." The demonstration was in response to Cal State Long Beach refusing to advertise a play on the Seventh Street marquee because its title has "tribades" in the title. The play, called "The Night of the Tribades," is about playwright August Strindberg's relationship with women. The play is part of the graduate acting program, Cal Rep, at Cal State Long Beach. According to theatre arts major Courtney Knight, tribade is an archaic Greek term for lesbian.FYI, scissoring is where Scissor Sisters got their name. True story.
Knight said the school refused to advertise the play on the marquee because of the word's similarity with tribadism. "When you put tribade into a Google search image, apparently it comes up with the word tribadism, which is a sex act and they decided it was inappropriate," Knight said. In response to CSULB's refusal to promote the play, the group of students conducted a different type of protest. According to the flyers they handed out, the protest was a "flash mob," where a group assembles in a public place to raise awareness of something via a physical gesture or act.
NOTE: Didja see how I resisted using the headline The Trouble With Tribbles? You're welcome.
Labels: California, education, lesbians, theatre