Servicemembers United Urges Harry Reid To Move On DADT In Lame Duck Session

"The path to getting defense authorization and 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' wrapped up this year is narrow, but that path is also crystal clear," said Alexander Nicholson, Executive Director of Servicemembers United. "There is neither time nor any good reason to delay bringing the authorization bill back up for reconsideration, and the first concrete action on the bill absolutely must occur before the Senate's Thanksgiving recess. A handful of angry and unreasonable Republicans will certainly try to obstruct, but the key to success is going to be striking a deal with a few moderate and reasonable Republicans to proceed on the bill. The McCain contingent should be irrelevant to securing that agreement."Servicemembers United: "Senator Reid, and Senator Reid alone, ultimately controls how the defense authorization bill will be brought back up, and whether it will get brought up in enough time for it to be completed by the end of the year."
Labels: Congress, DADT, Harry Reid, Senate