Main | Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Baltimore Archbishop Calls For Day Of Fasting To Prevent Same-Sex Marriage

Baltimore Archbishop Edwin O'Brien is calling on Maryland's Catholics to pray and fast on this Friday in order that God hears their call to prevent same-sex marriage. Good As You has the rest of his message:
“The institution of marriage can only belong to the union of one man and one woman because nature – not social prejudice – has given this relationship the unique capacity to bring children into the world,” Archbishop O’Brien said. “It is for this reason that religion and governments alike have bestowed special recognition upon this relationship for thousands of years. We commend those political leaders who have had the courage to stand by their convictions by voting to uphold our society’s most fundamental institution…The value of marriage must not be abandoned for the sake of partisan politics or political gain. It is not too late for the members of the House of Delegates to hear from God’s people and to vote in accordance with their true conscience to uphold marriage.”

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