Main | Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tony Perkins On Tennessee

"After harassing law firms, sports figures, restaurants, and average Americans, homosexual activists are starting to show the public what they really are. Intolerant. Lawmakers in Tennessee witnessed the bullying firsthand, when the state tried to stop policies that are bad for business and worse for the economy. The Left had been trying to use local governments to demand special employment rights for gays and lesbians. Yesterday, Gov. Bill Haslam signed a bill into law that will keep private companies from being held hostage by homosexual activists.

"Starting this month, cities and counties can no longer adopt anti-discrimination policies that are stricter than state law. It all started with a Nashville city ordinance that required private government contractors to give special preference to gays in lesbians in hiring and firing decisions. By signing SB 632 into law, Gov. Haslam erased the Nashville measure and freed up companies to run their businesses the way they see fit. Thanks to local pastors and former state Sen. David Fowler at the Family Action Council of Tennessee, employers will be the ones dictating office policy--not the liberal government." - Lying Family Research Council spokes-liar Tony Perkins, lying about Nashville's now overturned law.

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