Main | Wednesday, June 15, 2011

PhoboQuotable - Timothy Dolan

"Last time I consulted an atlas, it is clear we are living in New York, in the United States of America – not in China or North Korea. In those countries, government presumes daily to “redefine” rights, relationships, values, and natural law. There, communiqués from the government can dictate the size of families, who lives and who dies, and what the very definition of 'family' and 'marriage' means. But, please, not here!

"Our country’s founding principles speak of rights given by God, not invented by government, and certain noble values – life, home, family, marriage, children, faith – that are protected, not re-defined, by a state presuming omnipotence. Please, not here! We cherish true freedom, not as the license to do whatever we want, but the liberty to do what we ought; we acknowledge that not every desire, urge, want, or chic cause is automatically a 'right.' And, what about other rights, like that of a child to be raised in a family with a mom and a dad?" - New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, writing on his personal blog.

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