Main | Monday, August 29, 2011

Closet Case Ed Koch Endorses NOM-Backed Anti-Gay Repub For Anthony Weiner's Seat

Saying he wants to punish President Obama for "abandoning Israel," three-term former NYC mayor and closet case Ed Koch has thrown his support behind the anti-gay GOP candidate running in the special election to replace disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner. Former cable TV executive Bob Turner (above left) opposes same-sex marriage and says he strongly opposes the repeal of DOMA. Village Voice columnist Harry Seigal interviewed Koch:
"I see this only contested congressional race in the country as an opportunity to do what the election of Scott Brown did in Massachusetts," Koch told me in an e-mail. "As a result of that election, Obama moderated his political philosophy on domestic issues. In fact, he folded on too many issues, e.g., the Bush tax cuts. Now, if the Jews turn their backs on him, he may see the wisdom of jettisoning his hostility to Israel." Koch, who has crossed party lines in the past to endorse Republicans, emerged as a prominent Jewish hawk after 9/11, backing George Bush in 2004 in response to statements then–Democratic frontrunner Howard Dean made about Israel.
While he has very publicly endorsed gay marriage, Koch has steadfastly refused to answer questions about his own gayness, often turning the tables on male reporters and asking them when they last had oral sex. New York state Assemblyman David Weprin, the Democrat in the campaign, has endured vicious attacks from fellow Orthodox Jews who are furious over Weprin's vote in support of same-sex marriage. The nastily anti-gay state Sen. Dov Hikind (D) has threatened to cross party lines and endorse Turner.

VIDEO: Yesterday NOM posted this clip in which the interviewer rails against Weprin for a full minute before even allowing a response.

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