Main | Sunday, September 04, 2011

CALIFORNIA: Hate Groups Have Five Weeks Left On SB 48 Petition Drive

The head of Equality California this week predicted that our side will lose, should the attempt to repeal SB 48 make it onto the ballot. The good news is, the other side faces a tough time making the ballot deadline, largely because the Mormon and Catholic groups that backed Prop 8 have stayed out of this one so far.
"If someone wrote a million-dollar check, we would be guaranteed to get this on the ballot," said Pacific Justice Institute President Brad Dacus, whose legal aid firm wrote the proposed measure and is co-sponsoring the signature-gathering effort. "That's not the case at this point. We are counting on people in churches and communities and families making the extra effort to get it done." Supporters have until Oct. 12 to collect 504,760 signatures from registered voters to qualify the measure for the ballot. Conventional wisdom among political consultants is that it will be difficult to meet the requirement with such a short window and only volunteers.
Wanna bet that "million dollar check" magically appears?

VIDEO: Watch JMG reader Sean Chapin's YouTube campaign in opposition to the repeal of SB 48, in which Chapin goes after local media bias.

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