WIKILEAKS: American Embassy Convinced Vatican To Oppose "Kill Gays" Bill
According to a leaked diplomatic cable, the Vatican came out against Uganda's still-pending "kill the gays" bill after lobbying efforts by the American embassy. Via Box Turtle Bulletin:
Embassy Vatican has actively lobbied Holy See officials to take a stand against pending legislation in Uganda that would criminalize homosexuality and in extreme cases, even punish it with death (reftel). On December 11, after the Ambassador raised USG (U.S. Government) concerns, Cardinal Antonelli Ennio, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, reaffirmed the Church’s position that legal approaches to homosexuality are inappropriate. Antonelli admitted that he had not followed the Uganda controversy closely, but agreed that Catholic bishops there or anywhere should not/not support the criminalization of homosexuality. The Ambassador urged the Cardinal to make sure bishops in Uganda understood this. Embassy poloff followed up with the Cardinal, providing information about the bill and USG concerns about it.The Archbishop of Uganda later came out against the bill in a speech that was broadcast on national television.
Labels: Catholic Church, gay death penalty, Uganda, Vatican