Main | Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More Questions About Taylor Garrett

Over at Gay City News, Duncan Osborne examines a curious aspect of the alleged assault on GOProud's Taylor Garrett, who claims he was beaten because he's a conservative Christian who's friendly with Ann Coulter.
According to Dallas Police Department reports, officers were called to 2800 Knight Street in Dallas, where the assault happened, at roughly 10:20 pm. Garrett was attending a birthday party at 3000 Knight Street and left the party to get a gift he left in the car. It was then that he came upon the man. The man punched him once in the face and the punch knocked him to the ground, Garrett said. Garrett’s nose was bleeding and his left ear struck the curb, which also caused a cut and bleeding. The police report notes that “Comp refused PES to the location.” The police department press office said that “comp” stands for complainant and “PES” stands for Physical Evidence Section, or the department’s crime scene unit. It is not uncommon for complainants in minor crimes to refuse crime scene services because they may not want to wait for detectives or they may not want to clean up after them. In Garrett’s case, however, it could be perceived differently.
Help! The leftist gay Gestapo assaulted me! No, don't take fingerprints. Don't collect evidence. And no photos, please. This is a job for Daily Caller, not the police.

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