Main | Thursday, December 22, 2011

AFA's Don Wildmon: Vote Gingrich Or America Will Be Destroyed Forever

"If we don’t have a strong leadership that knows and believes in maintaining our Judeo-Christian heritage, we’re going to lose it. And let me tell you, don’t load up any buses because there’s nowhere else in the world that what we have can be replicated. It’s gone and it is gone forever if Obama or Romney wins the presidency, it’s gone and it’s gone forever. That’s a strong statement, I’m not trying to scare anybody, I’m not trying to say I got any kind of intellect, but I just see it and it’s there and if we lose this country, it’s gone and it can never again be replicated." - American Family Association founder Don Wildmon, endorsing Newt Gingrich.

Right Wing Watch notes that Wildmon gives Gingrich a pass on his multiple extramarital affairs: "Paul was a murderer, Moses was a murderer, David was an adulterer and for all intents and purposes a murderer, the man has paid his dues, he’s been forgiven by God."

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