Main | Saturday, December 10, 2011

Asshat Of The Day - Christie Blatchford

"I remain convinced that the best way to stop a bully is not to go mewling to the teacher, who will only call the victim’s mummy, or to your own mummy, who will only call the teacher. The best way is to take the bully out for a short pounding after school – and may I make it plain, please, that I don’t mean the victims should do this, but rather others. The onus for stopping bullies lies not with the people being bullied, but with those who see it happen.

"This has been true for centuries, and it is still true, and it works equally well in the locker room, the office, a bar, and on the factory floor or street. It is possible to be a gentle and kind man without speaking in a soft, sibilant voice that makes all sentences sound to my ear as though they were composed entirely of Ss. Glasses should be worn only by people who can’t see, not as props. Gay, as I’ve mentioned, is entirely fine. Fey is a pain in the arse." - Christine Blatchford, in a National Post column titled Toronto, City Of Sissies.

Blatchford's bile was triggered by witnessing a group of school boys greeting each other with hugs. And that's something boys should never do, apparently.

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