Main | Monday, December 12, 2011

Ben Smith Jumps Politico For Buzzfeed

Continuing a mini-trend of well-known writers leaving purely political sites for those with a more broad focus, top Politico contributor Ben Smith is leaving for Buzzfeed.
After nearly five years of blogging in this space, and seven years of writing a political blog every day, I have a bit of self-referential media news: I’ll be moving on at the end of this month. I’ve taken an exciting job as the editor of BuzzFeed, where I’ll be trying to help build the first true social news organization – that is, an outfit built on the understanding that readers increasingly get and share their news on Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms.
Early this year Andrew Sullivan moved his blog from its Atlantic home to the Daily Beast. Last month Matt Yglesias jumped ship at Think Progress for Slate.

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