Main | Monday, December 12, 2011

HomoQuotable - Greg Quinlan

"Wayne, if you really feel you must waste money you could be using to bash ex-gays, bully Christian churchgoers and spread the lie that people who are trapped in unwanted homosexuality can never escape it, I say knock yourself out. We’re happy to countersue and expose the hundreds of smears you and Truth Wins Out have lodged against me and other pro-family advocates. Smears that actually amount to defamation. Little man, I’m calling your bluff." - "Ex-gay" asshat and PFOX president Greg Quinlan, responding to activist Wayne Besen.

Besen has promised to sue Quinlan for telling a television reporter that Besen had threatened to "inject him with AIDS." In the above-linked PFOX press release, Quinlan writes: "This is a bald-faced lie and Besen knows it." Ah, but there's video.

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