Main | Saturday, December 10, 2011

Masturbation Is Totally Gay, Part Two

"An average male child has masturbated at one stage of his life or the other. If this behaviour were not controlled, it would lead to lack of interest in the opposite sex. This often happens in the subconscious mind, so that by the time one grows into it, one would not know why one hates the opposite sex. This is because when one masturbates, one may have practiced it with other male children. So, by the time they are qualified to have sexual relations, they just discover that they have something that satisfies them more than natural sex." - Professor of biblical history and "ex-gay" therapist Dr. Felix Jovi Ehwarieme, quoted in a Nigeria Guardian story about the campaign to pass Nigeria's proposed escalation in penalties for homosexuality. (Tipped by JMG reader Alan)

RELATED: Last month Seattle's Pastor Mark Driscoll said that male masturbation is inherently gay because it is sex with a man.

CORRECTION: In the first draft of this post I attributed the above quote to the wrong crazy person in the linked article. I was laughing too hard to notice!

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