Main | Monday, December 26, 2011

Media Research Center: Conan O'Brien & Lady Gaga Are The Losers Of The Year

"The depravity of our popular culture and our eagerness to shred traditional values manifests itself every day. Lady Gaga, the top-earning woman in the music business and deemed by ABC's Barbara Walters to be one of the 'most fascinating people,' has a new vocation in mind. She's announced she wants to become an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church so she can marry two gay male friends.

"Lady Gaga is as unattractive, in every sense of the word, as her name is stupid. She welcomed Easter with a single called 'Judas.' ('I'm still in love with Judas, baby.') and arrives at Christmas as Reverend Gaga. This is the same 'instant online ordination' that TBS late-night host Conan O'Brien used in November in a disgusting scene to 'marry' two gay males live on his television show. Gaga and Conan are two of the real cultural losers of 2011." - Media Research President Brent Bozell, writing for Town Hall. Hit the link for the rest of his list.

RELATED: Last week Bozell said that President Obama looks like a "skinny ghetto crackhead."

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