Main | Friday, December 02, 2011

Ruh-Roh! NPH Said "Trannies"

We can probably expect that Neil Patrick Harris is about to endure a shitstorm from trans activists after his hosting gig on today's episode of Live With Kelly. Joking about an "anti-helium" gas to lower their voices, Harris said, "Right! So we can sound like trannies all the time." He added in a gravelly tone, "That would sound hilarious." Harris better watch out for glitter-bombers.

NOTE: I should add that it's really not very hard to refrain from using a word that others don't like, regardless of whether you feel the same way. Dan Savage agrees and no doubt NPH will too, once he's hipped to the situation. But we do ourselves no favors with internecine attacks on people who meant no ill. Educate, don't eviscerate.

UPDATE: Harris tweeted an apology when the show ended.

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