Main | Friday, December 02, 2011

Senate Passes Defense Funding Act

Yesterday the Senate passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act without any infamous DOMA repeal attachment. Virtually every national hate group has been raising money on the falsehood that Sen. Dianne Feinstein would insert the repeal of DOMA into the bill.

The version already passed by the House also does not include a DOMA repeal. Instead it contains anti-gay amendments banning the military from allowing same-sex weddings, among other things.

Servicemembers Legal Defense Network reports:
“SLDN is pleased the Senate has taken a responsible path and passed its National Defense Authorization Act without harmful language included by the House that is really nothing more than an assault on our nation’s senior military leaders and rank-and-file service members, who are implementing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' successfully. The House version represents a partisan political attempt to interject the same-sex marriage debate and other unrelated social issues into the NDAA where they have no place. At SLDN, we urge the leadership to appoint conferees who will see this stunt for what it is and reject this language in conference."
Also not included in either version of the bill was a repeal of the military's ban on sodomy, another issue loudly predicted by hate groups in their daily fundraising emails. Yesterday the Family Research Council asked its followers to pray that gay sex remains technically illegal in the military.
May God give Rep. Akin and other conservative leaders sufficient support to prevent the evil intended and to advance faith, safety and moral stability among our troops (1 Sam 2:2-9; 1 Chr 12:33-34; Ps 11:3; Ec 4:9-12; Heb 11:33-34).

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