Main | Friday, January 20, 2012

Brian Brownshirt Is Ever So Pissed

"I have to be candid with you: We are facing a series of very tough fights, not only in New Jersey but throughout the country, as gay-marriage advocates push to replicate what happened in New York, and hope to persuade the Supreme Court to impose gay marriage on all 50 states. In Washington, they claim to be just a few votes short of passing a gay marriage bill through the state senate, without a vote of the people. In both Washington and New Jersey the Democrats have decided, in the middle of an economic collapse causing budget crises, to make pushing a gay marriage bill their number one priority.

"It was announced this week that the vote to repeal gay marriage in New Hampshire takes place on Feb. 1. And we will find out shortly whether gay-marriage advocates will try to reverse their loss in Maine this November.Impossible victories have happened again and again during NOM's tenure. I can't promise you what will happen in all these close fights, but I can promise you this: Thanks to you, NOM will be in this fight. I will never give up, as long as I have the comradeship and support and prayers of good people like you. We cannot cravenly surrender the truth about marriage, or justice for children." - Emperor of Hypocrisy Brian Brownshirt, who is currently pursuing anti-gay marriage amendments during a budget crisis.

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