Main | Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Concerned Women Are Concernstipated About Gay Marriage In Washington

"The implications of the passage of these same-sex marriage bills are far reaching and numerous. Primary and immediate results will include the erosion of actual civil rights of freedom of speech and religion. This new law will embolden homosexuals to react more strongly toward any whom they perceive do not agree with their sexual choices and use the force of law against those of us who do not hate them, but do hold a Christian worldview that God loves us all just as we are but too much to leave us as He finds us.

"Other questions to consider: Why is same-sex marriage so vital in a year when the state is faced with a huge budget crisis? Why should a tiny minority of citizens (1-3 percent) be allowed to redefine marriage for the rest of us? Do you realize that since the domestic partnership legislation passed in 2009, only one quarter of one percent of Washington citizens have taken advantage of this opportunity? What is the crisis for homosexual couples in 2012?" - Maureen Richardson, Washington state director for Concerned Women for America.

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