Maggie Loves Frothy
"When the guy who has taken more hits than any other for standing up for life and marriage fights his way with nobody's help from nowhere to, well, Tuesday night -- you have to cheer. The left, which thought it had buried Santorum years ago, is going to go after him with a hatred unlike anyone else has yet generated in this race. They hate him with that special ire reserved for his virtues, not his vices. They will go after him not just to defeat him, but to smear his good name, to associate it with their own muck, to take a decent and honorable man and try literally to make his name mean mud. They will not succeed." - Fellow Catholic Maggie Gallagher, cheering Rick Santorum during a break in her Opus Dei meeting.
Labels: 2012 elections, Catholics, GOP, hate groups, Maggie Gallagher, NOM, Rick Santorum