Main | Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Quote Of The Day - Larry Klayman

"The Republican candidates, however compromised, are busy destroying themselves, with their attacks on each other. Each time one of them opens his mouth he helps produce another Obama/Clinton campaign commercial that will be effectively used by Dems during the lead-up to 2012 elections. And, as important, the media-hyped sleaze on any one of the Republican presidential candidates creates such a bad odor that it causes all of them to smell.

"I think we all can agree that Newt Gingrich’s odor – coming on the heels of the Herman Cain fiasco – is likely to rub off on even Romney or Santorum, and I am not just talking about the gas this grossly overstuffed blowhard must emit periodically." - Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman, telling World Net Daily that the GOP can never beat Obama and therefore he must be removed by other means such as "impeachment or peaceful civil disobedience."

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