Main | Sunday, January 08, 2012

Speaking Of Red Hats....

From our own Father Tony, pictured above at the left.
Reading about the consistory planned for February, when [New York Archbishop] Tim Dolan will be made a cardinal reminded me of the consistory of May '76 in which I had the silliest job I ever performed. And the one job I have ever had in my life that I thoroughly enjoyed. That's me delivering a fresh silver tray-load of red hats to the Pope [Paul VI]. I knew exactly what was behind door #2.

That tray was very old sterling, and extremely heavy. Standing there, waiting for the last hat to be taken off, my arms and hands began to tremble. I looked at my friend Renato, the handsome black-haired guy next to the cross (now the Archbishop of Spoleto) I mouthed the word "aiuto!" (Help!) He just laughed. Carol Merrill never had to work as hard as I did that day. The tray (16th century) was way too big to swipe. I'd have taken a hat, but there were no no-shows.
I love it.

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