Main | Friday, April 27, 2012

Douchebag Of The Day - Dave Daubenmire

"Permit me to clarify the definition. Sodomy is one MAN inserting his genitals into the mouth or anus of ANOTHER MAN. Say it again. Say it out loud so your ears hear it. Picture it in your mind. Picture Barney Frank and Elton John in action. Barney Frank putting his genitals into Elton John’s. That is what they want to tell us is normal…no wait…tell our children is normal. Into that 'union' they are asking permission to place children. Would you let them put YOUR grandchild into a sodomy-based family? Why would you let them do it to someone else’s child? Have normal people lost their minds?" - Crackpot "Coach" Dave Daubenmire, in a column republished by Porno Pete.

RELATED: Coach Dave appears to invite your emails. Pictorial demonstrations of heterosexual sodomy should be sent here: Tel: (740) 323-0871.

A reader points out that Daubenmire's son is a registered sex offender convicted of possessing child pornography.
Authorities found 37 still images and 26 movies depicting young girls enaging in sex with men on the family's home computer. A computer repair technician discovered the pornography last August. David Daubenmire is a former head football coach at London High School. He gained national attention in 1999 after the American Civil Liberties Union sued the school district to stop the coach from leading his team in prayer. Zachary Daubenmire was a star quarterback at London. He went on to play football at Kenyon College and Denison University and became a teacher and coach. He has since resigned from those positions.

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