Main | Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Email Of The Day - Eugene Delgaudio

"Dear Joe, Public Advocate is once again under attack in national news. You see, the radical Homosexual Lobby has specifically targeted Public Advocate for destruction. They want us shut down for good. They have demanded you and I stop all operations, that I step down from all public roles, that we cease to talk about the radical homosexual agenda entirely. Silenced. Disbanded. Destroyed.

"It wasn’t that long ago that the HRC launched an online petition to have Public Advocate banned from the internet, banned from sending any emails at all. The SPLC and their allies have demanded that I stop talking to you about their agenda. I could never do that. But they have also demanded that Public Advocate cease all fundraising operations. And so I am asking you, right here and right now, to give them your answer. Will you tell them no?" - 2012 SPLC hate groups inductee Eugene Delgaudio.

How many lies can you count in today's email?

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