Main | Tuesday, April 03, 2012

"Ex-Gay" Men To Gather At GA Retreat For Masculine Bonding & Circle Jerks

Allegedly "ex-gay" Pastor DL Foster is selling a November retreat at the glamorous Best Western in Helen, Georgia, where self-hating homosexuals will gather in budget hotel rooms for lessons on masculinity and religious indoctrination.
The Follow Me Discipleship Retreat (FMDR) started in 2003 and is now a yearly Christian event for men who are following Jesus Christ out of homosexuality and sexual immorality into holiness. The mission of Follow Me Retreat is to cultivate and foster integrity, discipline, sexual purity, righteousness and honest fellowship within the bonds of brotherly love.

We chose Helen because its away from the hustle and bustle of the city, has a calm visual effect and provides a peaceful retreat which helps to enjoy time away from the “distractions” of life. Helen has great sight-seeing, exotic food, mountain streams and lots of little wonders to enjoy while fellowshipping. Teambuilding excursions add a slice of excitement.
Among the listed breakout sessions is "Strengthening Your Personal Appearance," where Minister Kyra Jones will provide desissification tips like, "The Neck Roll: That's Just For Black Girls!"

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