Main | Saturday, May 26, 2012

Email Of The Day - Eugene Delgaudio

"Dear Joe, Public Advocate has won another victory for marriage! Republican New York state senator James Alesi, who betrayed the Family last summer by voting for homosexual 'marriage,'” has announced he is conceding his political seat. Public Advocate supporters sent countless emails and newsletters exposing Alesi’s role in this betrayal -- and it has paid off! Alesi admitted that his vote against marriage was the factor that cost him the support of his constituents. Thank you for all your help in this battle. It is vital that we hold politicians accountable for voting against true marriage and family values. It is up to you and me to show them morality is not optional." - Eugene Delguadio, the second-biggest liar in Hate Land.

FACT CHECK: As I reported here weeks ago, Alesi is actually retiring because a scandal involving a lawsuit he filed against the owners of a unfinished home where Alesis fell while allegedly trespassing.

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