Main | Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bus Monitor Bullies Get Suspension

The four seventh grade boys who brutally bullied New York bus monitor Karen Klein have been suspended from school.
The school system in the Rochester suburb of Greece says it will suspend the middle school students from their school and from using regular bus transportation for a year for bullying Karen Klein. The students will be transferred to a special alternative education program because the district is legally required to give them an education. Each student also will be required to complete 50 hours of community service with senior citizens. They will be able to reapply to middle school after they complete the discipline. In a statement, the school system said each of the students involved admitted wrongdoing, accepted the consequences and agreed to let the district publicly release the terms of their disciplinary action. The cellphone video posted online by a fellow student drew millions of viewers. The video shows Klein trying her best to ignore a stream of profanity, insults and outright threats. One student taunted: "You don't have a family because they all killed themselves because they don't want to be near you." Klein's oldest son killed himself 10 years ago.
As of yesterday Klein's internet "vacation fund" had over $667,000 in it.

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