Main | Friday, June 29, 2012

NEW YORK CITY: Christian Churches Win Right To Hold Services In Public Schools

This battle has been going on for a long time and it appears that the virulently anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund has finally won the right for churches to hold weekend services in New York City's public schools.
The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) won on Friday a permanent injunction in the 17-year legal battle involving the Bronx Household of Faith and the NYC Board of Education. Religious groups will now be allowed to meet freely for worship services in public school facilities. "Churches that have been helping communities for years can continue to offer the hope that empty buildings can't," expressed ADF Senior Counsel Jordan Lorence in a statement. "The court's order allows churches and other religious groups to meet for worship services in empty school buildings on weekends on the same terms as other groups. ADF will continue to defend this constitutionally protected right if the city chooses to continue using taxpayer money to evict the very groups that are selflessly helping the city's communities, including the public schools themselves."
As an example of what goes on at some of these churches, here's what the Village Church, which operates out of PS 3 on Hudson Street, has on its website.
GAME (Gender Affirming Ministry Endeavor) is a ministry of the Village Church, a member of the Exodus International Church Network. The Village Church is committed to celebrating gender, the deeply Biblical reality of our identities. We believe that it is dehumanizing to compel anyone to found his or her identity on sexual desires. So we resist efforts to coerce people into labeling themselves as “gay” or “lesbian” just because they have same-sex attractions. We harm people when we make the nature of their sexual attraction their identifying characteristic. Rather, all of us can find healing and direction through more deeply understanding and affirming our genders as women and men. Check out our Statement on Homosexuality for more details. We have a group that meets weekly and a church that is ready to walk with you. If you’d like to know more, email us or leave a voicemail at 646-863-6020. One of our GAME team members will contact you.
We're supposed to believe that these "pop-up" churches pack up all their propaganda and hate materials every Sunday night and leave nothing behind for the kiddies to "accidentally find." One of the involved litigant churches has openly expressed their goal to get a foothold in every public school in the city.

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