Main | Thursday, July 05, 2012

Christianist Hate Groups Announce Forty Days Of Prayer And Fasting Against Obama

The Concernstipated Women, the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, the Liberty Counsel, and dozen of other Christianist groups have announced that they will fast and pray nonstop against President Obama beginning 40 days before the election. The linked site is careful not to name the president specifically, but we know what they mean.
Though voting is both a civic duty and a Biblical responsibility, which must be approached with solemnity and due deliberation, something else must happen first if we are to see our nation saved. We must begin by asking God's forgiveness for our national and individual transgressions, and for His guidance in the task of selecting our leaders at all levels of government and, thus, charting our nation's future. Starting on September 28, and continuing through November 6, we are calling for a Great Religious Awakening through 40 DAYS of prayer, fasting and repentance. While we are deeply troubled by the direction in which our nation is headed (according to a Feb. 5 Rasmussen poll, 63% believe America is on the wrong track), this is not a political effort. The political problems which beset us are symptoms of a deeper spiritual malaise. The place to start isn't with primaries, platforms and conventions, but rather through prayer, fasting and repentance.
The coalition's board of governors includes Tony Perkins, Penny Nance, Mat Staver, and "hero" General Jerry Boykin.

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