Main | Friday, July 13, 2012

Delgaudio: Help! I'm Being Oppressed!

"Dear Joe, Another attack came sooner than even I feared. I have just found out the SPLC is launching another attack on myself and Public Advocate as a whole. Last week I sent you several emails warning that the SPLC was determined to destroy our organization and our cause. Together, you helped me raise a decent amount of money for the coming fight, but I must admit that we fell short of my goal. And with the enemy so suddenly upon us, I am very worried. This attack is forming quickly -- I have not even received anything in writing, but they have already leaked it to the press. They again claim that Public Advocate is a 'hate group' simply because you and I refuse to embrace the Homosexual Agenda. And they are demanding I 'cease all operations' in this fight. Public Advocate could soon be facing a serious legal battle for supposed 'hate crimes' against the Homosexual Lobby." - Eugene Delgaudio, who always needs money.

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