Porn Causes Abortions
"The majority of abortions are committed on women in relationships outside of the context of marriage. These women who become pregnant and then abort are typically over-sexualized by a variety of things, whether it’s through messages in movies, television, or the culture of porn that surrounds them. With the dawn of the acceptance of Margaret Sanger’s contraceptive pill (1960s), followed by explicit magazines like Playboy (1953) and Hustler (1974), you have the ingredients for women becoming hyper-sexualized. These things came into mainstream culture around the same time. These things have now escalated with the internet age to the point where pornographic material has become affordable, readily available, and accessible with complete anonymity." - Mark Houck, leader of The King's Men, who believe "an increase in porn leads to an increase in sexual activity outside of marriage, which leads to an increase in ‘unwanted’ pregnancies, which leads to an increase in abortion."