Main | Friday, August 24, 2012

Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks To Convention Of LGBT Lawyers

Yesterday Attorney General Eric Holder praised the work of LGBT lawyers gathered at the annual Lavender Law Conference and vowed to continue to work with them in the Obama administration's campaign for full LGBT equality. An excerpt of Holder's speech via Towleroad:
You are – or soon will be – uniquely situated to use the power of the law, as well as your own gifts and knowledge, to help build a more fair, more equal, and more just society. And you have not only the power, but – I believe – the solemn responsibility, to do precisely that: to safeguard the rights and freedoms of everyone in this country, and to carry on the critical but unfinished work that lies ahead.

Of course, this never has been – and never will be – easy. But as I look around this room, I can’t help but feel optimistic about where your efforts will lead us – and how far our collective commitment will take us – in the months and years ahead. With the benefit of your partnership and the strength of your passion, I know that we can – and I’m confident that we will – continue the work that has become both our shared priority and common cause. And I look forward to all that we will surely accomplish together.

RELATED: Holder's speech is being denounced on anti-gay sites like Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller, where one article's author has taken to Twitter to slam Holder for "using the DOJ as a political tool." Comments at the link are as you'd expect.

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